Monday, July 10, 2006

360 Degrees of Grand Canyon

In a previous post I shared a link to a 360 degree view of the Grand Canyon from Four Chambers Studio. I was so impressed I bought the CD for $23.99 including shipping. It arrived today and it is WAY COOL! There are 75 or so of these 360 degree views from all over the Grand Canyon, including some places that you'd never see unless you hiked for miles. There are even panoramas taken inside some of the historical buildings.

The pictures are absolutely perfect! Who knows what the weather or the lighting, or the haze will be like when we're there? The images on this CD are gorgeous! And because it's interactive you can look up, down and all around, zoom in and zoom out. It's the next best thing to being there.

I'm afraid that my photos and videos will pale by comparison! But this will be so great to take with us and look at on the plane and in our hotel room. I'll share this with you when we get back, but until then check out the link below, and a complete description of the CD here. Could be the best 24 bucks I ever spent!

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